Service Attachment For Agency Revolution Printing And Mailing Services

Dated: November 2020

Unless otherwise defined in this Service Attachment, capitalized terms will have the meanings given to them in the Agreement.  This Service Attachment governs your subscription to the Company’s Printing and Mailing service.

Physical Mailings and Delivery.  In an effort to deliver mail timely, we will attempt to initiate the processing, printing and mailing of messages a minimum of seven (7) business days prior to the desired delivery date. Scheduled mailings may be stopped prior to the execution date by logging in and canceling the mailing. ONCE A MAILING HAS REACHED ITS EXECUTION DATE, IT CANNOT BE STOPPED. We are not responsible for “accidental” or “unintended” mailings including but not limited to: sending mail to the wrong person, choosing the wrong design or message, typos or spelling errors, typing too much text on a card, scheduling a mailing on the wrong date, or clicking the SEND button inadvertently. If we fail to send an executed (and compliance approved, if applicable) mailing, mishandle a mailing, are more than four (4) business days late in delivering an executed piece of mail to the United States Postal Service (“USPS”) for delivery (as indicated by the stamped date by the USPS), or create any other grossly negligent execution, you may be due a credit in the form of points/mailing credits, as determined by our Client Service Manager. We are not responsible for delays in delivery, nor any form of mishandling, loss or marring by the USPS. We are also not responsible for delays in delivery caused by your failure to provide timely Input.