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Social Media for Insurance Agencies

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Resource - Social Media for Insurance Agencies
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Social media content for your insurance agency.

Why pay for social media when you don’t have to?!

Sure, you could pay someone else to post generic social media content, but that simply doesn’t work these days. Trust us. We see the numbers. Instead, social media is all about sharing YOU and YOUR AGENCY. Use the content below but put your own spin on it. People want to see the people, culture, and vibe of your agency! That content will always perform best.

  • Step 1: Choose a category below.
  • Step 2: Download image and copy text.
  • Step 3: Post image/text on your social media account.

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Social Personal - Flood Myth

β€œMy homeowners’ policy will cover me.” Speak with your insurance agent to understand why this is not the case and discuss a flood insurance policy before it’s too late.

Social Personal - Do You Need Snowmobile Insurance

Did you know that snowmobile insurance is mandatory in some states? This coverage may protect you in the event of bodily injury or property damage, as well as repair or replacement of your snowmobile. Talk to your insurance agent to see if you need snowmobile insurance.

The best content comes from your agency. That’s why we don’t post for you. Get creative, be human, and have some fun!

  • Anything behind-the-scenes.
  • How you work remotely.
  • Examples of your culture.
  • Tour of your office.
  • Team member spotlight.
  • Local events and volunteering.
  • Holiday greetings.

Need a hand? Contact us.

Social Personal - Are Your Valuable Possessions Protected

Homeowners and renters insurance can offer protection for your personal belongings, but this coverage is often limited when it comes to high-value items. Items like jewelry, artwork, coin collections, and other rare or expensive items might require more coverage than a standard policy allows.

Social Personal - Make Documents Accessible

Keep insurance documents in a safe place and make sure others know where to find them so they’re accessible in an emergency.

Hosting an Event? Person With Clipboard Planning a Fancy Event; Tables and Decorations in the Background Inside a Hall or Restaurant.

Large or small, any event you host requires a lot of planning and preparation. Special event insurance is one way to help protect your festivities and secure coverage for the potential risks you may face.

Social Personal - Protect Your Ride Person Standing Next to Their Classic Car

Vroom-Vroom! Each classic car is unique in its own way, so it’s important to get an insurance policy that meets the needs of your particular vehicle and how you plan on using it. It’s your investmentβ€”protect it.

Social Personal - Have Peace of Mind on Your Special Day - A Bride Looking at Herself in a Full-Length Mirror

Weddings can bring joy AND stress. Damage to materials, illness, unmet vendor obligations, and more can turn your special day into a nightmare. Set your mind at ease about such risks and learn more about wedding insurance today!

Social Personal - Are Your Toys Covered? People Having Fun Riding Atvs or Utvs on a Trail in the Woods

If you assume your off-road vehicle is already covered by your existing home or auto insurance policies, you’re in for a big surprise. Contact us today to learn more about off-road vehicle insurance so you can enjoy your toys on the trail knowing you’re covered!

Social Personal - Do Stay at Home Parents Need Life Insurance

After losing a stay-at-home partner, surviving parents can find themselves stuck covering the expenses of their partner’s day-to-day duties. From transportation to education, child care, housekeeping, and more, the cost of supplementing those services can become a massive, unexpected expense. Every family is different, but an insurance agent can help you decide the best plan for your family’s future.

Social Personal - Consider Pet Insurance

During the warmer months of the year, it is common for pets to be more vulnerable to heartworms, fleas, and ticks. Unfortunately, most pet insurance policies do not cover the cost of preventative care, but it could be an add-on option. Check with your insurance agent for more details, and don’t forget to schedule a checkup with your vet so your four-legged friends can stay safe this season!

Social Personal - Spring Cleaning Tips

Make your home less vulnerable to an insurance claim this spring. Be on the lookout for cracks in outdoor walkways and seasonal damage to your roofing or siding. It’s also an excellent time to clean out your gutters and replace indoor detector alarm batteries.

Social Personal - When Should I Buy Travel Insurance

When shopping for a travel insurance policy, a common practice is to purchase it about 15 days before your trip. You can also buy travel insurance up to a day before your departure date. However, it’s better to book earlier than later to take advantage of any rewards or benefits that may be available!

Social Personal - Turn Off Your High Beams

Using your high beams in foggy conditions can actually make it harder to see. The light bouncing off the tiny droplets of water reduces visibility.

Social Personal - Do You Need Flood Insurance

Did you know most home insurance policies do not cover damage from a flood? Consider obtaining a flood insurance policy, even if you don’t live in a flood-prone area.

Social Personal - Are You Protected in Case of an Earthquake

Your standard home insurance policy may not cover damage caused by an earthquake. Talk to your insurance agent to find out if a standalone earthquake policy makes sense for you.

Social Personal - Consider Hurricane Insurance

If you live in an area susceptible to hurricanes, you may want to consider hurricane insurance, as your home insurance policy may not cover hurricane-related damages.

Social Personal - Umbrella Policies Offer Protection

February 10 is National Umbrella Day. It’s also a terrific time to consider a personal umbrella insurance policy to help cover liabilities that exceed your homeowners or auto policy limits.

Social Personal - Review Your Beneficiaries

It’s a good idea to periodically review your beneficiary designations on your insurance policies, including any contingent beneficiaries you may have named. Missing or out-of-date information can lead to complications during an already difficult time.

Social Personal - Beware of Kitchen Fires on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a peak day for house fires. With all the celebrating and distractions, the kitchen can become a dangerous place. Keep children out, never leave the stove unattended, and be sure sleeves and long hair are secured away from flames.

Social Personal - Don't Let Your Holidays Go Up in Flames

Candles, holiday lights, and Christmas trees all help create the beauty of the season, but they can also contribute to house fires. Never leave candles unattended, check lights annually for frayed wires, and prevent your tree from drying out.

Social Personal - Independent Insurance Agents Can Help

Tapping into the knowledge of an independent insurance agent can help you find the right coverage for your needs.

Social Personal - Headed Out of Town

It’s fun to post your travel plans and photos on social media, but be careful. Letting people know your home is unattended for an extended period could invite a break in.

Social Personal - Walk Behind Your Car

Check behind your car before you get in to make sure there are no children, animals, or objects. Backup cameras and mirrors can still leave blindspots, and it’s all too easy to backover someone or something.

Social Personal - Check for Recalls

Do you know if your vehicle has been recalled and needs repairs? You can find out for yourself at

Personal Social - Keep Your Gutters Clear

Leaves and other debris can accumulate in your gutters, leading to water damage to your roof. Be sure to periodically clean your gutters to keep them flowing smoothly.

Personal Social - Consider an Umbrella Policy

If you’re held liable for personal injury or damage you cause, your entire life savings are at risk if you don’t have enough liability insurance. Protect your assets with an umbrella policy.

Personal Social - Understand Motorcycle Insurance

Like auto insurance, motorcycle insurance standards are set by each state. However, minimum coverage may not be enough. Make sure you’re adequately protected.

Personal Social - Is Your Watercraft Properly Protected

Having a personal watercraft can be quite fun for the whole family. But that all comes to an end in the event of an accident with someone who is uninsured or underinsured. Make sure you have the coverage you need.

Personal Social - Bundle and Save

Did you know that you may be eligible for discounts if you buy more than one insurance policy from the same company? Talk with your agent to see if you can bundle policies and pay less!

Personal Social - Are You Covered for Tree Damage

Understanding who is responsible for fallen tree damage can be complicated. If you have trees around your home, even if they’re not on your property, it’s important to understand how your insurance works. Your agent can help you understand!

Personal Social - Use Your Fireplace Safely

When using your fireplace, be sure to keep glass doors open to prevent creosote buildup. If you have a mesh curtain, keep that closed to prevent embers from leaving the hearth.

Personal Social - Check Your Policy Limits

If someone is hurt on your property and you’re held responsible, your assets are at stake. Make sure you have a sufficient limit on your homeowners insurance policy and consider an umbrella policy if you need more protection.

Personal Social - Prevent Electrical Fires

Electrical fires can severely damage your home. Prevent them by checking cords regularly for looseness, fraying or breakage, avoiding extension cords, and never forcing plugs into an outlet.

Personal Social - Buy Renters Insurance

Renters insurance is significantly less expensive than homeowners insurance, yet less than half of all renters say they have it. If a tenant’s property is damaged in a fire or other disaster, the landlord’s insurance won’t cover replacement costs.

Personal Social - Almost Every State Has Minimum Auto Insurance Requirements

Almost every state has minimum auto insurance requirements. It’s important to purchase at least the amount required by law, but often this isn’t enough. Your insurance agent can help you determine the amount of coverage you need.

Personal Social - Protect Your Student

Is your child headed off to live at college? Your insurance needs may change so be sure to consult your agent.

Personal Social - Keep Kids Safe This School Year

Everyone should practice driving safety year round, but as schools reopen, it’s a great time for a reminder to watch out for children!

Personal Social - Are You Covered

It’s easy to put off getting the coverage you need, especially when you feel unsure of how life insurance works and what policy is right for you. Call your agent today to discuss your options.

Personal Social - 13% of Drivers are Uninsured

Up to 13% of motorists in the U.S. are uninsured. If an uninsured driver causes property damage or bodily injury to you, you’ll end up paying for it. Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage can help.

Personal Social - To Bundle Or Not To Bundle

Sometimes bundling your auto and home insurance can save you money. However, that’s not always the case. Be sure to do your homework when it comes to price comparisons.

Personal Social - Insure Your Home Wisely

Insure your home for what it would cost to rebuild or replace, not the market value. Whether the market in your area is high or low, you’ll still have the coverage you need.

Social Personal - Grill Safety

Having a BBQ is a favorite summer treat, but each year thousands of Americans get injured while grilling outdoors. Be sure to use caution and never leave a grill unattended!

Personal Social - Make a Home Inventory

Could you list every item in your home as well as the value? Making a home inventory before disaster strikes can help you replace damaged belongings.

Personal Social - How Much Coverage Do You Need

Opting for the least expensive insurance premium may leave you under-insured. Of course, you don’t want to be over-insured, either. An insurance advisor can help you sort it all out.

Personal Social - Long Term Disability Isn't Just for the Aged

The Social Security Administration estimates that 25% of 20 year olds will become disabled before they turn 67. Buying LTD when you’re young and healthy keeps the premium down and ensures you’ll have it when you need it.

Personal Social - Invest In Gap Insurance

What happens if you total your car, but it’s worth less than you owe on it? Gap insurance can cover that difference.

Personal Social - Don't Eat and Drive

Eating while driving is extremely dangerous and is often to blame for car crashes.

Personal Social - Drowsy Driving Is a Dangerous as Drunk Driving

You are three times more likely to be in a car crash if you are fatigued.

Personal Social - Protect Yourself

Identity theft can be devastating. Consider purchasing identity theft protection services.

Personal Social - Check Car For Wear and Tear

It’s important to look over your car periodically. Check your fluids, the treads on your tires, and your wiper blades!

Personal Social - Life Insurance

Did you resolve to buy life insurance this year but you’re still putting it off? Understanding more about it can help. Consult an insurance agent to learn what type of policy might be right for you.

Personal Social - Maintain a Space Cushion

Keeping your distance from other drivers on the road is an important safety practice.

Personal Social - It Only Takes an Inch

Even one inch of water can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage to your home. Consider flood insurance.

Social Business - Trucking Insurance

If your business owns commercial trucks, standard commercial auto insurance might not be enough. Having an insurance agent on your side who understands your business and its unique risks is essential. We can help you understand what your options are!

Social Business - Winery Insurance

Your winery faces a number of different risks depending on the services it offers. From crops to equipment and product recalls and liquor liability, the combination of factors can vary widely. Choosing a policy that reflects these needs can help protect your specific business. Talk to an agent about your options for winery insurance.

The best content comes from your agency. That’s why we don’t post for you. Get creative, be human, and have some fun!

  • Anything behind-the-scenes.
  • How you work remotely.
  • Examples of your culture.
  • Tour of your office.
  • Team member spotlight.
  • Local events and volunteering.
  • Holiday greetings.

Need a hand? Contact us.

Social Business - Crop Insurance

All sorts of risks can crop up on your farm, so it’s essential to consider a policy that reflects your operation’s needs. Whatever you produce, be sure that your insurance policy takes all factors into consideration. We’d be happy to help you sort through it all.

Social Business - Brewery Insurance

When there’s trouble brewing, you want to make sure you have the right insurance in place to protect your business. Breweries need coverage that’s tailored to their specific operation. We can help you understand your risks and how to protect what you’ve worked so hard to build.

Social Business - Safeguard the Future of Your Business - A Picture of Business People in Suits Around a Conference Table Having a Meeting

Planning ahead is vital for your business. One type of coverage you don’t want to overlook is key person life insurance. If anything happened to your senior staff, the financial losses for your business could be very real. Help safeguard the longevity of your business by contacting us today to learn more about your options.

Social Business - Protect Your Restaurant - A Smiling Owner Standing Inside the Restaurant

As a restaurant owner, you know the amount of work it takes to run your business on a day-to-day basis. But did you know that getting a restaurant insurance policy may help give you a fighting chance if disaster strikes?

Social Business - Why Do You Need Non-profit Insurance? A Group of People Volunteering at Clean-up Event in a Field to Gather Garbage

Having non-profit insurance for your organization may help protect you from the financial consequences of professional mistakes, lawsuits, bankruptcy, and damage to your reputation.

Social Business - Bigger Risks Require Broader Coverage - Semi-truck on an Open Highway

Compared with ordinary commercial auto insurance, commercial trucking insurance needs to cover bigger risks as well as a wider range of risks. The potential costs of damage to property and medical bills are higher simply because a truck can have a bigger impact in a collision. Contact us to go over the needs of your trucking business and the coverage options available to you.

Social Business - Are Personal Vehicles a Business Risk

Do your employees use owned, rented, or leased vehicles for work? An accident can occur at any time. If an accident occurs while operating a vehicle on behalf of your business, a non-owned auto policy can cover your liability. Speak with an agent today for more details.

Social Business - Keep Fleet Insurance Rates Down

Looking for the best rates for your fleet? Your insurance company needs to see that you take safety seriously. How can you prove it? Encourage driver safety courses, invest in vehicle maintenance, and use data in your favor to target team members with poor driving records.

Social Business - How Can I Protect Myself as a Consultant

Professional liability insurance is not always a one-size-fits-all solution for consultants, but it’s a start. Risks and coverage needs can vary based on the industry or niche of the consultant. The best way to safeguard your business is to discuss additional coverage options with your insurance agent.

Social Business - Small Business Spotlight

We love serving and supporting small businesses in our communities. Do you know of any small businesses that deserve a shout-out? We want to hear what they do best and why you love working with them!

Social Business - Mom and Pop Businesses Need Insurance

March 29 is National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. No matter how small your business is, you could be facing risks. Insurance can offer protection.

Social Business - Does Your Business Need Earthquake Insurance

If your business is located in an area prone to earthquakes, you may have unprotected risks. Talk to your insurance agent about whether a standalone earthquake insurance policy could be beneficial.

Social Business - Do Your Remote Workers Increase Risk

The second week of January is Home Office Safety and Security Week. With more people working from home, it’s important for businesses to consider the different risks they could be facing, including cyber security threats, employee safety, and risks of theft.

Social Business - Consider Commercial Crime Insurance

Your business is at risk for theft and fraud by both third parties and employees. Crime insurance can help protect you from loss.

Social Business - Protect Your Small Business

You may think your business is too small to need insurance, but losses can happen at any size. Business insurance offers valuable protection.

Social Business - Consider EPLI Coverage

If your business is sued for discrimination, Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) can help cover the cost of legal defense or awarded damages.

Social Business - Do You Need Professional Liability Insurance

Do your clients rely on your advice and expertise? If so, consider professional liability insurance. This coverage can offer protection if a client accuses you of negligence or mistakes.

Social Business - October Is Cyber Security Month

A cyber breach will likely cost you more than double the expenses associated with a physical burglary. Are you protected? Cyber insurance can help.

Social Business - Review Your Business Insurance Needs

How well do you understand the insurance needs of your business? If it’s been a while since you’ve reviewed your business insurance, we can help make sure you’re right on track!

Social Business - Consider Contingent Business Interruption Insurance

Is your business prepared for supply chain disruptions? Various events, including severe weather, could lead to interruptions.

Social Business - Provide Clear Rules for Driving Company Vehicles

Manage commercial auto costs by keeping accidents down. Have clear guidelines around situations like speeding and distracted driving, and be sure to enforce them consistently, no matter who violates them.

Social Business - Create a Cyber Incident Response plan

If your business faces a data breach or cyber attack, a cyber incident response plan could help mitigate the damage. Knowing the steps to take in a crisis is vital.

Social Business - Do You Have Product Liability Insurance

What happens if an item you sell causes harm to someone? Product liability insurance can help you pay for defense against accusations as well as damages awarded.

Social Business - Consider Commercial Earthquake Insurance

Your standard property insurance likely does not provide coverage in the event of an earthquake. If you’re in an area at risk for earthquakes, consider getting a commercial earthquake insurance policy to protect your business.

Social Business - Secure Hurricane Insurance for Your Business

Many standard business policies do not provide coverage for damages caused by hurricanes. If you’re in a hurricane-prone area, you may want to consider getting separate commercial hurricane insurance to protect your business.

Social Business - Do Employees Use Personal Vehicles for Work

If your employees use their own cars for work purposes, their personal auto insurance may not offer the protection they need. Consider hired and non-owned auto insurance to protect your employees and your business.

Social Business - Create a Culture of Safety

Reduce the number and severity of workplace injuries and, in turn, potentially reduce your workers’ compensation premiums by creating a culture of safety in your organization.

Social Business - Focus on Risk Management

Insurance is helpful when unfortunate circumstances arise, but implementing a comprehensive risk management strategy can help reduce the likelihood of losses.

Social Business - Consider E&O Insurance

As much as you try to avoid them, mistakes can still happen. Protect your business with errors and omissions (E&O) insurance which can cover legal defense and judgements against you.

Social Business - Vacant Property Insurance

If your commercial building is vacant, even partially, you may be exposed to risks your property insurance won’t cover. Vacant property insurance may help.

Social Business - Small Business Insurance Basics

Getting business insurance can seem overwhelming. We’ll review your business and make sure you have the right coverage at the right price!

Social Business - Protect Your Business With a BOP

A business owners policy (BOP) combines business property and business liability insurance into one policy.

Social Business - Fewer than 3-in-10 Small Businesses Have a Business Owners's Insurance Policy

Even if your business is small or just starting out, neglecting to buy insurance for it puts everything you’ve built at risk.

Social Business - Integrate Key Person Life Insurance Into Your Succession Planning

If an owner, executive, or other essential employee dies, a key person life insurance policy can protect against financial losses.

Social Business - Consider Product Liability Insurance

If your business sells a product, you could be held liable for injuries caused by a malfunction or defective design. Proper insurance coverage can help protect you from losses.

Social Business - The Importance of Commercial Auto Insurance

If your business owns vehicles or your employees drive their own cars for company business, you need the right protection! Talk to your agent about commercial auto insurance.

Social Business - Do You Have Commercial Property Insurance

Did you know that commercial property insurance not only protects the property your business owns or leases, but also what’s inside, including inventory, equipment, fixtures, and furniture?

Social Business - Keep Your Contact List Up To Date

In an emergency, do you know how to reach all of your vendors, suppliers, insurance carriers, and employees? Periodically check your contact lists to be sure you can reach everyone you may need during a time of crisis.

Social Business - The Value of Cyber Liability Insurance

If your computer system is hacked and there’s a data breach, costs add up quickly! Cyber liability coverage can help pay for expenses related to restoring damaged equipment, legal fees, and notification requirements.

Social Business - Do You Have Adequate Business Interruption Coverage

What would you do if you couldn’t access your building due to a fire or natural disaster? Business interruption insurance can help cover operating expenses, temporary relocation, and even income you would have received if the business were open.

Social Business - Buy Liquor Liability Insurance

If your restaurant, brewery, or winery serves alcohol, liquor liability is a must. It covers defense costs and damages to person and property caused by intoxicated patrons.

Social Business - Don't Skip D&O Coverage

Directors and officers of an organization are responsible for many big decisions. If they make the wrong ones and get sued as a result, the damages can be costly. Directors and officers liability coverage (D&O) can help.

Social Business - Cyber Security Month

Every 39 seconds. That’s how often hackers attack. October is Cyber Security month, so now is a great time to make sure your business is protected.

Social Business - Make Sure You Have an Umbrella for a Rainy Day

A commercial umbrella policy provides higher limits – typically between $2M and $10M – and provides coverage above the limits of your standard policies.

Social Business - Thefts and Burglaries

Thefts and burglaries can cause great harm to small businesses. How secure is your location?

Social Business - Can't Concentrate in the Office

Do your employees work remotely? They may get more done if they do.

Social Business - Get Workers' Comp Insurance It's the Law

Workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory in every state, but the laws in each state can vary. Have you protected your staff properly?

Social Business - Buy a BOP

A business owner’s policy (BOP) combines general liability insurance with business property insurance into one policy. For many small businesses, this is an important policy to have.

Social Benefits - Childcare Reimbursement

A dependent care flexible spending account is a tax-advantaged account that can be used to pay for childcare for dependents under the age of 13. Offering this plan to your employees can be a cost-effective way to add value to your benefits package and help you retain and attract top candidates.

Social Benefits - Consider Home Buying Assistance Programs

With housing costs on the rise, many people are finding home ownership increasingly difficult to obtain. Some employers are offering assistance programs that include grands, loans, education, and counseling. Are you considering offering such a benefit at your workplace?

The best content comes from your agency. That’s why we don’t post for you. Get creative, be human, and have some fun!

  • Anything behind-the-scenes.
  • How you work remotely.
  • Examples of your culture.
  • Tour of your office.
  • Team member spotlight.
  • Local events and volunteering.
  • Holiday greetings.

Need a hand? Contact us.

Social Benefits - Offer Work-Life Balance

One of the biggest trends in employee benefits is to provide offerings that increase an employee’s work-life balance. A great way to know what that means for your team is to ask them what they need and want. Employers that show they care about their staff often have a more productive and loyal workforce.

Social Benefits - 83 Percent

Many employers contribute to their employees’ healthcare premiums, with the national average at 83%. However, employers are increasingly paying as much as 100% of their employees’ premiums in an effort to attract and retain talent.

Social Benefits - Prepare for the Unexpected - A Family With Serious Faces

Accidental death and dismemberment insurance is a variation on life insurance, but it only pays out if the death is from an accident. There are cases where having this coverage may be beneficial even for jobs not considered to be high risk. Interested in learning more? Contact us to go over your options and to help you determine if it is a fit for your business.

Social Benefits - Consider Critical Illness Insurance - A Cancer Patient With Their Family

People don’t often expect to suffer from a critical illness. There may or may not be warning signs, and even when there are, they might not know a serious medical event is imminent. By offering this coverage to your employees, you can help them prepare for the unexpected.

Social Benefits - Offer a 401(K) - A Boss and an Employee in an Office Setting Going Over Paperwork

Helping your employees save for retirement not only makes it easier to recruit new staff members but also boosts the financial security of your existing staff. This may help make employees feel more motivated and settled at work. Consider it today!

Social Benefits - HSA or FSA

One significant difference between a health savings account and a flexible spending account is that a person can maintain control over their own HSA, which gives them more flexibility. An HSA can also roll over. An FSA does not allow contributions to roll over and is employer-owned. Contact your agent for more details.

Social Benefits - Breast Cancer Awareness Month - A Smiling Woman With a Pink Background; Add a Pink Breast Cancer Ribbon

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Increase awareness and promote regular screening for early detection of breast cancer!

Social Benefits - FMLA and Domestic Violence Support

FMLA may be accessible to qualified employees seeking care for severe medical conditions resulting from domestic violence. It may also be available to qualifying employees who care for family members suffering from a serious medical condition as the result of domestic violence.

Social Benefits - Take a Mindful Moment

Sure, mindfulness and other stress-reduction techniques in the workplace can cut down on business costs and boost employee productivity. But corporate gain shouldn’t be the only incentive for prioritizing mental health. Outstanding leadership requires empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire for the well-being of all employees, which should always come before profit.

Social Benefits - Save Money on Prescription Drugs

The cost of the same prescription drug can vary by $100 or more, depending on the pharmacy. Even with insurance, the cost of medications can vary. Look for cost comparison tools online or with your health insurer, and check these sources or your pharmacist for discounts and coupons.

Social Benefits - Consider Offering Pet Insurance

Many employees are looking for pet insurance to be offered by their employer. Adding pet insurance to your suite of employee benefits can add value to your package.

Social Benefits - Offer Dental Insurance

Routine dental exams can uncover a host of illnesses, and proper dental care can offer protection from them. Offer dental insurance to your employees and encourage them to use it.

Social Benefits- Consider Voluntary Group Disability Insurance

Voluntary group disability insurance can offer supplemental disability benefits to employees at a lower price point, often with no cost to the employer. Many employees appreciate this valuable coverage.

Social Benefits - Consider an Employee Wellness Program

Employee wellness programs offer employers many benefits including increased morale and productivity, reduced health risks and absenteeism, and improved recruitment and retention.

Social Benefits - May Is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Make mental health a priority in your organization by giving employees access to resources that can offer assistance when needed.

Social Benefits - Offer Financial Wellness Programs

Employers are increasingly offering financial wellness programs to their employees. Consider programs that include digital tools, coaching, financial planning, and educational resources that can help employees at various stages of life.

Social Benefits - Offer Diverse Benefits

Create a diverse portfolio of employee benefits to represent a diverse workforce. Needs will vary based on an individual’s employment status, generation, gender, ethnicity, race, parental status, or community, just to name a few.

Social Benefits - Include Family-Friendly Benefits in Your Workplace

Working parents are a very important part of the workforce. Now more than ever, employees want and seek out companies that offer benefits that can help them balance the changing needs of their family while maintaining their role in the company.

Social Benefits - Manage Employee Burnout

Employee burnout can hurt your employees and your business. Explore programs to help employees manage stress, learn the signs of burnout, and implement programs to address situations before the problem grows.

Social Benefits - Distribute Perks Equitably

Do you offer perks to employees to boost morale and inspire camaraderie? If part of your workforce is remote, be sure to include them or offer similar perks so they don’t feel left out.

Social Benefits - Review Your Benefits for a Post-Pandemic Workforce

Flexibility and mental health will become the focus for many businesses in a post-pandemic world. Let us help you explore employee benefits that will support the needs of your workforce.

Social Benefits - Review Your Employee Handbook Annually

When was the last time you reviewed your employee handbook? Evaluating the handbook annually can spot changes, inconsistencies, and discrepancies between what’s written and what’s practiced before it becomes a problem.

Social Benefits - Flexible Spending Accounts = Savings

Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) can offer savings to both you and your employees. Consider adding one to your suite of employee benefits.

Social Benefits - Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month

May is Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Encourage employees to get routine screenings for early detection.

Social Benefits - Global Employee Health and Fitness Month

May is Global Employee Health and Fitness Month. Consider sharing desk exercises, encouraging walks at lunch, and offering other health and fitness related activities throughout the month.

Social Benefits - National CPR and AED Awareness Week

June 1-7 is National CPR and AED Awareness Week. When every second counts, having staff who are CPR and AED trained can make all the difference. Consider offering training to your employees.

Social Benefits - Stress Awareness Month

April is Stress Awareness Month. Stress can reduce productivity dramatically. Offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to help employees weather life’s storms.

Social Benefits - National Children's Dental Health Month

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. Help employees take care of their children’s dental needs by offering dental insurance.

Social Benefits - Does Your Employee Benefits Package Include Telemedicine Services

Telemedicine services allow individuals to seek medical treatment from home or anywhere else that works for them. This can help stop the further spread of illness and reduce time away from work for routine health checks.

Social Benefits - Consider Offering Voluntary Accident Insurance

Voluntary accident insurance is a cost-effective way to supplement your major medical plan while offering peace of mind to your employees.

Social Benefits - Offer Employees an EAP

Stress can leave your employees unfocused, unproductive, or even ill. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) can help employees and their families deal with some of life’s challenges.

Social Benefits - Did You KNow Many States Have Adopted Mini-COBRA Laws

If your business isn’t subject to COBRA, you may still have continuation requirements under the law. Visit your state’s insurance department to learn about your obligations.

Social Benefits - Consider Voluntary Benefits

Offering group voluntary benefits is a great way to offer more insurance options to your staff at no cost to you!

Social Benefits - 46% of Non-Retirees Worry They Won't Have Enough for Retirement

Help employees save for retirement by offering them a 401(k) plan.

Social Benefits - Employee Benefits Matter

According to MetLife, 50% of employees say health and wellness benefits are an important factor in loyalty to their employer.

Social Benefits - Offering a Comprehensive Benefit Package Can Help You Retain Talent

Overwhelmed by benefits? We can review your current offerings or help you get started.

Social Benefits - Help Employees Prepare For Their Future

Employees expect a 401(k) plan. Show them you care about their ability to save for retirement by offering one.

Social Beneifts - Around 45M Americans Owe

Some employers are offering benefits to assist employees with student loans. Are you considering this?

Social Benefits - Offer Vision Insurance

Eye exams can help detect glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. And because many eye diseases are asymptomatic in the early stages, an exam can help detect a problem before it’s too late.

Social Benefits - Workplace Culture Matters

Employees and employers agree that workplace culture is vitally important. It’s not just about snacks and team outingsβ€”it’s about showing employees you care.

Social Benefits - Learn to Be Heart Healthy

February is National Heart Month. Encourage employees to take care of themselves by eating a healthy diet, exercising, and visiting the doctor regularly for exams.

Social Benefits - Get Regular Exams

Dental health can be a strong indicator of overall health. Offer your employees dental insurance and encourage them to get regular exams.

Social General - Ask an Independent Insurance Agent

Insurance isn’t a topic everyone understands, but that doesn’t mean you are out there on your own! Independent insurance agents can help you understand your risks and suggest policy options that may offer protection. Got questions? We’d love to help!

Social General - Emergency Survival Kit

Are you prepared for an emergency? Gathering supplies before you need them is a simple step you can take to ensure you’re as ready as you can be for the unexpected.

The best content comes from your agency. That’s why we don’t post for you. Get creative, be human, and have some fun!

  • Anything behind-the-scenes.
  • How you work remotely.
  • Examples of your culture.
  • Tour of your office.
  • Team member spotlight.
  • Local events and volunteering.
  • Holiday greetings.

Need a hand? Contact us.

Social General - Refer a Friend! Two Friends Smiling and Giving a Thumbs Up

Love what we do? Refer us to someone you know! A referral is the highest compliment you can give us.

Social General - Review Us! Excited Person With Their Hands up in the Air

Your feedback is always appreciated. Head over to our website and let us know how we’re doing!

Social General - Are You Participating? A Happy Gentleman With a Big Beard

It’s time for No-Shave November! This month-long journey is a great way to evoke conversation and raise cancer awareness.

Social General - Back to School - A Child Walking Into a School With a Backpack On

Summer is coming to an end and schools are reopening. Are your kids ready to go back for the year?

Social General - Ask Us Anything

Got any burning general insurance questions? We know it can be a boring topic, so we won’t take it personally if you don’t. But if you do, now’s your chance to drop it below! If it’s personal, send us a private message, and we’ll be in touch.

Social General - Happy New Year

May the year ahead be the best year yet. Happy New Year!

Social General - Martin Luther King Jr. Day

β€œI have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: β€˜We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.”

Social General - Happy Lunar New Year

Wishing you great happiness and prosperity!

Social General - Celebrate Black History Month

β€œWe must never forget that Black history is American history. The achievements of African Americans have contributed to our nation’s greatness.” – Yvette Clark

Social General - Happy Valentine's Day

Finish the poem: Roses are red, violet are blue…

Social General - Happy Groundhog Day

Will he see his shadow or is spring on the way?

Social General - Welcome Spring

Spring fever? Spring cleaning? Spring flowers? What does the season mean to you?

Social General - Happy Presidents Day

β€œBelieve you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Social General - Women's History Month

March is Women’s History Month. Celebrate the stories and legacies of the women throughout history who have shaped the world!

Social General - Mardi Gras

Laissez les bon temps rouler! Let the good times roll!

Social General - Employee Appreciation Week

It’s Employee Appreciation Week! Be sure to say thanks to those who help to keep your business running!

Social General - National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month. Focusing on eating well is an excellent way to take care of yourself!

Social General - Spring Forward

It’s time to spring forward! Set your clock ahead 1 hour!

Social General - Happy St. Patricks Day

May the road rise up to meet you!

Social General - International Women's Day

Celebrate the achievements of women today and every day!

Social General - Happy Easter

Wishing you a holiday celebration filled with family, friends, love, and laughter!

Social General - Happy Easter

Wishing you a peaceful and joyous Easter!

Social General - April Fools Day

Pranksters are everywhere today, so keep your guard up!

Social General - World Autism Month

April is World Autism Month. Take some time to increase your understanding and acceptance of those in the autism community.

Social General - Ramadan Mubarak

May the spirit of Ramadan bless you with prosperity and happiness!

Social General - Volunteer Appreciation Week

Do you rely on volunteers to help you accomplish your mission? The third week in April is the time to show them how much you appreciate them!

Social General - April 21 Administrative Professionals Day

Administrative professionals keep businesses running. Celebrate them today and every day!

Social General - Celebrate Earth Day

April 22nd is Earth Day. What can you do to take care of our planet today and every day?

Social General - May Calendar

Did you know that no other month begins on the same day of the week as May does in any given year?

Social General - Celebrate AAPI Heritage

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Recognize and celebrate the influence and contributions of AAPI Americans!

Social General - Eid Mubarak

Wishing you an Eid al-Fitr filled with love and light.

Social General - Cinco de Mayo

It’s fiesta time! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Social General - Happy Mother's Day

Wishing all the moms and those who have assumed the role of the mother a very happy Mother’s Day!

Social General - National Safe Sun Week

As this summer kicks off, don’t forget to take precautions to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from sun exposure. National Safe Sun Week, always the week before Memorial Day, aims to shine the light on sun safety through education and prevention techniques. Remember, sunscreen should be applied every two hours for best results!

Social General - Memorial Day

Remembering those who gave their lives in service to this country.

Social General - Celebrate Pride

June is Pride Month. We support, celebrate, and honor those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Social General - Happy Flag Day

β€œThe red and white and starry blue is freedom’s shield and hope.” – John Philip Souza

Social General - Happy Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures out there. Enjoy your day!

Social General - Hello Summer

Summer is officially here! Enjoy the longest day of the year!

Social General - Celebrate National Insurance Awareness Day With Us

It’s that time of year again! National Insurance Awareness Day is June 28th. We all love a good party, but no one loves surprises when it comes to insurance. Get in touch with our agency today for a checkup on your insurance policy.

Social General - Happy Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

Social General - National Anti-Boredom Month

July is National Anti-Boredom Month. What are your creative ways to stay busy and have fun? Share your favorite summer activities in the comments below!

Social General - July is National Ice Cream Month

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! What’s your favorite flavor?

Social General - Hispanic Heritage Month

September 15th through October 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month. You can celebrate the vision and culture of Hispanic people year round through education and by amplifying Hispanic voices.

Social General - Yom Kippur

May you have an easy fast and a blessed Yom Kippur.

Social General - National Suicide Prevention Hotline

September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Learn about prevention at If you or someone you love is struggling, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. There’s no shame in asking for help.

Social General - Welcome Autumn

Get ready for falling leaves, sweater weather, and all things pumpkin spice!

Social General - Fall Back

Don’t forget to set your clock back one hour Saturday night! It’s also a great time to replace the batteries in your smoke detectors.

Social General - National Indigenous Peoples Day

We honor and celebrate the heritage of indigenous people.

Social General - Happy Columbus Day

Ciao! Let’s celebrate Italian heritage!

Social General - Happy Halloween

Watch out for ghosts and goblins!

Social General - Veterans Day

Freedom is never free. Thank you, veterans.

Social General - Happy Diwali

Wishing you and yours a joyous and prosperous Diwali!

Social General - National Day of Giving

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is National Day of Giving, also called Giving Tuesday. Consider donating to a cause close to your heart that could use your support!

Social General - Happy Kawanzaa

Light, peace, and happiness to you at Kwanzaa and always!

Social General - Out of this World Insurance Policies

Do you believe in UFOs? Since the 1980s, thousands of superstitious earthlings have signed up for alien abduction insurance. Although humorous and highly unlikely, the coverage would protect them from any medical or psychological post-traumatic stress if returned to earth following an abduction. Of course, they’d have to prove it first!


Thanks for flipping over one last beach ball! We’ve loved sharing with you this month. Have a great 4th of July!